How Do You Know if You Need to Repair or Replace Your AC?
August 6, 2019 7:48 pm Leave your thoughtsAs a homeowner, you understand the importance of performing home maintenance tasks and making improvements as needed. This includes keeping an eye on your air conditioner. Let’s take a closer look at whether you should be calling an air conditioning service for AC system repairs or replacement.
Replace your air conditioner
In most cases, your air conditioner can be repaired—but some repairs may cost you big money. As a homeowner, how do you gauge whether to repair or replace? Below are a few good reasons why you might consider replacing your air conditioner instead of investing in repairs:
- AC is over 15 years old: It’s better on your wallet and for your indoor comfort to replace an air conditioning system that is more than 15 years old—especially when it’s showing signs of problems. This makes sense, since the typical lifespan of a residential air conditioner is around 10 to 15 years. This means that around the 15-year mark is when your AC is likely to start giving you trouble more often.
- Repair costs are high: Let’s say your air conditioner is failing on a regular basis. You’ve called your local HVAC experts to come out and make repairs more than a few times in recent years, and the repair bills are adding up. If the AC unit is the problem, consider that it costs, on average, between $5,000 and $7,000 to replace it. The price tag depends on the brand and where you live, and does not include other system components like ductwork. Gather a few price estimates before choosing a company and a replacement unit.
- Rising energy bills: If you’ve noticed your energy bills going up a lot and you’re not using the AC more than normal, it might be time to replace your air conditioner. (But first, check to make sure your local electric company hasn’t raised its rates.) When choosing a replacement unit, opt for one that is Energy Star rated. These units are better for the environment and your wallet.
Repair your air conditioner
Figuring out whether to repair or replace your air conditioner is not always easy. While a complete AC system failure will likely warrant a replacement, there are times when a repair is the more cost effective and logical option:
- AC is less than 10 years old: The age of your air conditioner should play a role in your decision to repair or replace the system or parts. It’s also important to note that most ACs under 10 years old are better off getting repaired than replaced, but this also depends on a few factors, like the brand, quality of installation and whether you’ve kept up on maintenance.
- Minor issues: You’re probably not an AC repair technician, so chances are you don’t know what the problem is! When your AC acts up, call a pro to check it out, diagnose the problem and fix minor issues. You should also consider scheduling a regular annual air conditioning service appointment for added peace of mind.
Life events like retirement, becoming a stay-at-home parent or switching to working from home can mean using your AC more often. In this case, is it better to seek repairs or replacement for a damaged AC system? Call KVK Inc. today for an evaluation—we’d love to help you make the right choice for your needs and your budget!
Categorised in: Air Conditioning Repair
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