Common Furnace Issues You May Be Facing

November 5, 2020 4:01 am Published by Leave your thoughts

As the weather gets colder, more households are turning on their furnaces—and finding there’s a problem. Even if you schedule regular furnace maintenance appointments, problems can arise when you haven’t used your heater in six months or more.

If you’re wondering what’s wrong with your furnace in Central Kansas, read on for an overview of the most common furnace issues. Then call KVK Inc. to schedule a repair appointment. See if any of the following describe the current situation you’re facing.

  • The power isn’t on. Naturally, your furnace needs power to operate. If you’ve turned on the heater only to learn it’s not running, check the power source first. Has it been unplugged? If it’s plugged in and should be receiving power, it could be a breaker issue. Flip the breaker off and back on again. If it stays on, you’re all set. If it trips again, there could be a problem with your wiring.
  • You forgot to set it to “heat.” If the power isn’t the problem, the next thing to check is whether you’ve set it to “heat” instead of “cooling.” It happens all the time, especially the first time you turn on your furnace in the fall.
  • The access panel is open. Your furnace is designed to stay off whenever the access panel is open. This is a safety feature. If there aren’t any problems with the power and it’s set to heat, check to make sure the panel is fully closed.
  • The pilot light won’t stay lit. This is an issue that requires professional help. Natural gas is extremely flammable, and if there’s a pilot light problem there could be a buildup inside your furnace. Call a KVK Inc. HVAC contractor for assistance.
  • You hear squealing, scraping or grinding. These noises indicate that either your blower belt is out or the unit’s ball bearings have given out—another problem that’s best addressed by our seasoned HVAC contractors.
  • Your burners or filters are dirty. You swap out your HVAC filters every three months or less, right? Dirty filters make it much harder for your unit to operate correctly, and you can change them yourself. If, on the other hand, the burners are the problem, that’s an issue for a professional.
  • The heat exchanger is cracked. If you notice soot inside your furnace, strong odors, water on the floor or your family is experiencing dizziness, nausea and headaches, your heat exchanger may be cracked. This can leak carbon monoxide into your home! Open the windows, leave the building and call a professional right away!
  • There’s no hot air blowing. Finally, if the furnace seems to be working but no hot air is blowing out, you probably have a broken blower belt.

Having furnace problems? The team at KVK Inc. knows exactly how to fix your broken furnace in Central Kansas. When you notice any of the above problems, give us a call. We’ll identify the symptoms, look for potential future issues and make sure your furnace is working once more.

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